
  • My Unorthodox Sanctuary

    Woodcut, Triptych, 30″x 66″, 2024

  • Emergence

    Woodcut, 20″ x 48″, 2024

  • Psychedelic Threads

    Woodcut, 20″ x 32″, 2022

  • Targeted 1

    Woodcut, 20″ x 32″, 2022

  • LandEscape 2.16

    Woodcut, 9″x24″, 2021

  • LandEscape 1.1

    Woodcut, 7″x19″. 2020

  • Urbanized: Busy Town 2

    Drawing, 26″ x 40″, 2019

  • caTchIng a gliMpsE

    Animated print, 2018

  • Entangled Encryptions #12

    Woodcut, 22″ x 30″, 2017

  • Miswired: Lost 7B

    Silkscreen, 22″ x 28″, 2015

  • Letter Recognition: Alphabetical Order

    Constructed Print
    Woodcuts, 28″ x 44″, 2010

  • Calligraffiti #3

    Artist’s Book, 9″ x 9″, 2011


I work as an artist creating abstract woodcut prints, artist books, installations, and collaborative videos.  My relief, silkscreen and laser fabricated prints meld together abstracted and readable letterforms extracted from Western, Middle Eastern, Far Eastern, Meso-American writing systems, calligraphic marks, lyrical lines, patterning, grids, ideograms and icons to create an abstract language that alludes to signs, writing systems and codes that are almost legible, and familiar. I combine botanical, ecological, geologic and historical references particular to my specific locality, that range from ancient writing systems, manuscripts, charts, maps and symbols; all depicting ways information is impressed, drawn, carved, burned and scratched into a surface. Through layering, I create unique combinations of visually patterned matrices, resulting in rich, actively woven surfaces that suggest hidden codes and messages. Read more about me.